Submission Guidelines for Bioconductor Project Working Papers

Authors Instructions

N.B. This working paper series is intended for Bioconductor core developers and contributors.

Main document

Please provide one PDF file for the entire manuscript (including tables, figures, and references). Abstracts and keywords should not be included in this document and will be added at a later stage.

Cover information [Required for all contributions]

Please provide the following information in one text file:

  1. Authors: Name, Affiliation, and E-mail address of each author.
  2. Title: Exactly as you would like it to appear on the website, with the correct capitalization and punctuation.
  3. Date: The date (Day/Month/Year) associated with the version of the submitted manuscript. If no date is provided, the default will be the date of upload of the article.
  4. Keywords: In alphabetical order and separated by commas.
  5. Abstract: Please provide a text version of the abstract. Note that the abstract should not be included as part of the main document.
    The following HTML tags are recognized by the bepress system and may be used to format an abstract. Please be sure to use lowercase characters as shown here:
    <p> - paragraph
    <br> - line break
    <b> </b> - bold
    <i> </i>- italic
    <strong> </strong> or <emphasis> </emphasis>
    <sub> </sub> - subscript
    <sup> </sup> - superscript
  6. Optional comments: Enter any comments to appear on the webpage for this paper, such as, the name of the journal where the paper was submitted to or published in, a url for software.

Contributions can be preprints of articles submitted to refereed journals or long versions of published articles. There are no page limits on the articles.