
Longitudinal studies play a prominent role in health, social and behavioral sciences as well as in the biological sciences, economics, and marketing. By following subjects over time, temporal changes in an outcome of interest can be directly observed and studied. An important question concerns the existence of distinct trajectory patterns. One way to determine these distinct patterns is through cluster analysis, which seeks to separate objects (subjects, patients, observational units) into homogeneous groups. Many methods have been adapted for longitudinal data, but almost all of them fail to explicitly group trajectories according to distinct pattern shapes. To fulfill the need for clustering based explicitly on shape, we propose vertically shifting the data by subtracting the subject-specific mean directly removes the level prior to fitting a mixture modeling. This non-invertible transformation can result in singular covariance matrixes, which makes mixture model estimation difficult. Despite the challenges, this method outperforms existing clustering methods in a simulation study.



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