
A simulation experiment was conducted to investigate the behavior of the largest (and sec- ond, third and fourth largest) cluster Cook’s distance statistics for marginal mean and marginal association parameters, separately, in the context of an application of the orthogonalized residu- als estimating equations formulation of alternating logistic regressions. The behavior of extreme Cook’s distance statistics for the association parameters was responsive to random contamina- tion, whereby binary responses were transposed with equal probability, and without regard to cluster membership. Specifically, for moderate (20) to large (50) cluster sizes, the distri- bution ”shifted to the right” with increasing levels of contamination; however, shifting was not observed for small cluster sizes (5). For other situations - association parameters under a cluster-concentrated contaminated model, and mean parameters, generally - the behavior of the extreme Cook’s distance did not behave in the anticipated manner.


Biostatistics | Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series | Numerical Analysis and Computation | Statistical Models