The Department of Biostatistics is one of 5 departments in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of Washington. Its mission is to serve as a source of expertise and a focus for training and research in the quantitative aspects of public health and medicine, and to promote the use of rigorous quantitative methods in the biomedical and public health sciences.
Our graduate program is regarded as one of the best Biostatistics programs in the world, with over 30 years of teaching and research experience on the UW campus. Faculty interests range over a wide variety of statistical topics, including survival analysis, clinical trials, statistical genetics and correlated data.
The UW Biostatistics Working Paper series includes articles on statistical methods and applications developed by members of the department. In general, articles dated 2000 and later are downloadable from this site.
Submission Guidelines.
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Papers from 2007
Identifiability and Estimation of Causal Effects in Randomized Trials with Noncompliance and Completely Non-ignorable Missing-Data, Hua Chen, Zhi Geng, and Xiao-Hua Zhou
ROC Surfaces in the Presence of Verification Bias, Yueh-Yun Chi and Xiao-Hua (Andrew) Zhou
Power Boosting in Genome-Wide Studies Via Methods for Multivariate Outcomes, Mary J. Emond
A Censored Multinomial Regression Model for Perinatal Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, Charlotte C. Gard and Elizabeth R. Brown
Evaluating a Group Sequential Design in the Setting of Nonproportional Hazards, Daniel L. Gillen and Scott S. Emerson
A Parametric ROC Model Based Approach for Evaluating the Predictiveness of Continuous Markers in Case-control Studies, Ying Huang and Margaret Pepe
Biomarker Evaluation Using the Controls as a Reference Population, Ying Huang and Margaret Pepe
Adjusting for Covariates in Studies of Diagnostic, Screening, or Prognostic Markers: An Old Concept in a New Setting, Holly Janes and Margaret Pepe
What Is the Best Reference RNA? And Other Questions Regarding the Design and Analysis of Two-Color Microarray Experiments, Kathleen F. Kerr, Kyle A. Serikawa, Caimiao Wei, Mette A. Peters, and Roger E. Bumgarner
Longitudinal Data with Follow-up Truncated by Death: Finding a Match Between Analysis Method and Research Aims, Brenda Kurland, Laura Lee Johnson, and Paula Diehr
Estimating Sensitivity and Specificity from a Phase 2 Biomarker Study that Allows for Early Termination, Margaret S. Pepe PhD
Evaluating the ROC Performance of Markers for Future Events, Margaret Pepe, Yingye Zheng, and Yuying Jin
Gamma Generalized Linear Models for Pharmacokinetic Data, Ruth Salway and Jon Wakefield
Model-Robust Bayesian Regression and the Sandwich Estimator, Adam A. Szpiro, Kenneth M. Rice, and Thomas Lumley
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Group Sequential Methods for Comparing Accuracy of Diagnostic Tests, Liansheng Tang, Scott S. Emerson, and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Ecologic Studies Revisited, Jon Wakefield
Reporting and Interpretation in Genome-Wide Association Studies, Jon Wakefield
Papers from 2006
Generalized confidence intervals for the ratio or difference of two means for lognormal populations with zeros, Yea-Hung Chen and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Large Cluster Asymptotics for GEE: Working Correlation Models, Hyoju Chung and Thomas Lumley
Functional ANOVA Normalization of Two-Channel Microarrays, Alan Dabney and John D. Storey
Comparison of Haplotype-based and Tree-based SNP Imputation in Association Studies, James Y. Dai, Ingo Ruczinski, Michael LeBlanc, and Charles Kooperberg
Age- and Sex-Specific Transformations of Health Status Measures to Incorporate Death, Ann M. Derleth and Paula Diehr
Reliability, Effect Size, and Responsiveness and Intraclass Correlation of Health Status Measures Used in Randomized and Cluster-Randomized Trials, Paula Diehr, Lu Chen, Donald L. Patrick, Ziding Feng, and Yutaka Yasui
Different Public Health Interventions have Varying Effects, Paula Diehr, Anne B. Newman, Liming Cai, and Ann Derleth
Evaluating Causal Effect Predictiveness of Candidate Surrogate Endpoints, Peter B. Gilbert and Michael Hudgens
The Two-sample Problem for Failure Rates Depending on a Continuous Mark: An Application to Vaccine Efficacy, Peter B. Gilbert, Ian W. McKeague, and Yanqing Sun
Genome Scanning Methods for Comparing Sequences Between Groups, with Application to HIV Vaccine Trials, Peter B. Gilbert, Chunyuan Wu, and David V. Jobes
Hierarchical Models for Combining Ecological and Case-control Data, Sebastien Haneuse and Jon Wakefield
The Combination of Ecological and Case-Control Data, Sebastien Haneuse and Jon Wakefield
The combination of ecological and case-control data, Sebastien Haneuse and Jon Wakefield
Multiple imputation for the comparison of two screening tests in two-phase Alzheimer studies, Ofer Harel and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Multiple imputation - Review of theory, implementation and software, Ofer Harel and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Evaluating the Predictiveness of a Continuous Marker, Ying Huang, Margaret S. Pepe, and Ziding Feng
Adjusting for Covariate Effects on Classification Accuracy Using the Covariate-Adjusted ROC Curve, Holly Janes and Margaret S. Pepe
Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Panel Studies: An Illustration, Holly Janes, Lianne Sheppard, and Kristen Shepherd
2^k Factorials in Blocks of Size 2, with Application to Two-Color Microarray Experiments, Kathleen F. Kerr
On the Structure of Multiple Testing Procedures, Jeffrey Leek and John D. Storey
Relative Risk Regression in Medical Research: Models, Contrasts, Estimators, and Algorithms, Thomas Lumley, Richard Kronmal, and Shuangge Ma
A Marginalized Diffusion Model for Estimating Age at First Endoscopy Examination from Current Status Data, Diana Miglioretti and Elizabeth Brown
Hierarchical Lévy Frailty Models and a Frailty Analysis of Data on Infant Mortality in Norwegian Siblings, Tron Anders Moger and Odd O. Aalen
Case-cohort Methods for Survival Data on Families from Routine Registers, Tron Anders Moger, Yudi Pawitan, and Ørnulf Borgan
Integrating the Predictiveness of a Marker with its Performance as a Classifier, Margaret S. Pepe, Ziding Feng, Ying Huang, Gary M. Longton, Ross Prentice, Ian M. Thompson, and Yingye Zheng
A Semiparametric Approach for the Nonparametric Transformation Survival Model With Multiple Covariates, Xiao Song, Shuangge Ma, Jian Huang, and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Disease Mapping and Spatial Regression with Count Data, Jon Wakefield
Assessing the Adequacy of Variance Function in Heteroscedastic Regression Models, Lan Wang and Xiao-Hua Andrew Zhou
Papers from 2005
Longitudinal Data Analysis for Generalized Linear Models under Irregular, Biased Sampling: Situations with Follow-up Dependent on Outcome or Auxiliary Outcome-related Variables, Petra Buzkova and Thomas Lumley
Marginal Regression Modeling under Irregular, Biased Sampling, Petra Buzkova and Thomas Lumley
Semiparametric Loglinear Regression for Longitudinal Measurements Subject to Irregular, Biased Follow-up, Petra Buzkova and Thomas Lumley
Interval Estimation for the Ratio and Difference of Two Lognormal Means, Yea-Hung Chen and Xiao-Hua Zhou
On Additive Regression of Expectancy, Ying Qing Chen
Attributable Risk Function in the Proportional Hazards Model, Ying Qing Chen, Chengcheng Hu, and Yan Wang
Linear Regression of Censored Length-biased Lifetimes, Ying Qing Chen and Yan Wang
Estimating a Treatment Effect with Repeated Measurements Accounting for Varying Effectiveness Duration, Ying Qing Chen, Jingrong Yang, and Su-Chun Cheng
A New Approach to Intensity-Dependent Normalization of Two-Channel Microarrays, Alan R. Dabney and John D. Storey
Optimal Feature Selection for Nearest Centroid Classifiers, With Applications to Gene Expression Microarrays, Alan R. Dabney and John D. Storey
Is the Number of Sick Persons in a Cohort Constant Over Time?, Paula Diehr, Ann Derleth, Anne Newman, and Liming Cai
Nonparametric Statistical Methods for the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Phillip Dinh and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Bayesian Evaluation of Group Sequential Clinical Trial Designs, Scott S. Emerson, John M. Kittelson, and Daniel L. Gillen
Frequentist Evaluation of Group Sequential Clinical Trial Designs, Scott S. Emerson, John M. Kittelson, and Daniel L. Gillen
On the Use of Stochastic Curtailment in Group Sequential Clinical Trials, Scott S. Emerson, John M. Kittelson, and Daniel L. Gillen
Constructing Confidence Intervals of the Summary Statistics in the Least-Squares SROC Model, Ming-Yu Fan and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Alleviating Linear Ecological Bias and Optimal Design with Subsample Data, Adam Glynn, Jon Wakefield, Mark Handcock, and Thomas Richardson
Multiple Imputation for Correcting Verification Bias, Ofer Harel and Xiao-Hua Zhou
A Comparison of Parametric and Coarsened Bayesian Interval Estimation in the Presence of a Known Mean-Variance Relationship, Kent Koprowicz, Scott S. Emerson, and Peter Hoff
An Empirical Process Limit Theorem for Sparsely Correlated Data, Thomas Lumley
Confidence Intervals for Predictive Values Using Data from a Case Control Study, Nathaniel David Mercaldo, Xiao-Hua Zhou, and Kit F. Lau
Combining Predictors for Classification using the Area Under the ROC Curve, Margaret S. Pepe, Tianxi Cai, Zheng Zhang, and Gary M. Longton
Insights into Latent Class Analysis, Margaret S. Pepe and Holly Janes
Limitations of the Odds Ratio in Gauging the Performance of a Diagnostic or Prognostic Marker, Margaret S. Pepe, Holly Janes, Gary M. Longton, Wendy Leisenring, and Polly Newcomb
Standardizing Markers to Evaluate and Compare their Performances, Margaret S. Pepe and Gary M. Longton
New Confidence Intervals for the Difference between Two Sensitivities at a Fixed Level of Specificity, Gengsheng Qin, Yu-Sheng Hsu, and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Area Under the ROC Curve, Gengsheng Qin and Xiao-Hua Zhou
The Clustering of Regression Models Method with Applications in Gene Expression Data, Li-Xuan Qin and Steven G. Self
A Hybrid Model for Reducing Ecological Bias, Ruth Salway and Jon Wakefield
Semiparametric Approaches for Joint modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Time Varying Coefficients, Xiao Song and C.Y. Wang
The Optimal Discovery Procedure: A New Approach to Simultaneous Significance Testing, John D. Storey
The Optimal Discovery Procedure for Large-Scale Significance Testing, with Applications to Comparative Microarray Experiments, John D. Storey, James Y. Dai, and Jeffrey T. Leek
Health-Exposure Modelling and the Ecological Fallacy, Jon Wakefield and Gavin Shaddick
A Linear Regression Framework for Receiver Operating Characteristic(ROC) Curve Analysis, Zheng Zhang and Margaret S. Pepe
Application of the Time-Dependent ROC Curves for Prognostic Accuracy with Multiple Biomarkers, Yingye Zheng, Tianxi Cai, and Ziding Feng
Bayesian Analysis of Cell-Cycle Gene Expression Data, Chuan Zhou, Jon Wakefield, and Linda Breeden
Empirical Likelihood Intervals for the Mean Difference of Two Skewed Populations with Additional Zero Values, W. Zhou and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Semi-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimates for ROC Curves of Continuous-Scale Tests, Xiao-Hua Zhou and Hua Zhen Lin
Inferences in Censored Cost Regression Models with Empirical Likelihood, Xiao-Hua Zhou, Gengsheng Qin, Huazhen Lin, and Gang Li
ITT Analysis of Randomized Encouragement Design Studies with Missing-Data, Xiao-Hua Zhou, Richard Wang, and Sierra M. Li
Papers from 2004
Incorporating Death into Health-Related Variables in Longitudinal Studies, Paula Diehr, Laura Lee Johnson, Donald L. Patrick, and Bruce Psaty
Overlap Bias in the Case-Crossover Design, With Application to Air Pollution Exposures, Holly Janes, Lianne Sheppard, and Thomas Lumley
Referent Selection Strategies in Case-Crossover Analyses of Air Pollution Exposure Data: Implications for Bias, Holly Janes, Lianne Sheppard, and Thomas Lumley
Quantifying and Comparing the Accuracy of Binary Biomarkers When Predicting a Failure Time Outcome, Chaya S. Moskowitz and Margaret S. Pepe
Combining Predictors for Classification Using the Area Under the ROC Curve, Margaret S. Pepe, Tianxi Cai, and Zheng Zhang
On Corrected Score Approach for Proportional Hazards Model with Covariate Measurement Error, Xiao Song and Yijian Huang
Evaluating Markers for Selecting a Patient's Treatment, Xiao Song and Margaret S. Pepe
A Marginal Model Approach for Analysis of Multi-reader Multi-test Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Data, Xiao Song and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Significance Analysis of Time Course Microarray Experiments, John D. Storey, Wenzhong Xiao, Jeffrey T. Leek, Ronald G. Tompkins, and Ron W. Davis
Estimating the Retransformed Mean in a Heteroscedastic Two-Part Model, Alan H. Welsh and Xiao-Hua Zhou
Calibrating Observed Differential Gene Expression for the Multiplicity of Genes on the Array, Yingye Zheng and Margaret S. Pepe
Non-Parametric Estimation of ROC Curves in the Absence of a Gold Standard, Xiao-Hua Zhou, Pete Castelluccio, and Chuan Zhou
Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for the One- and Two-Sample Problems, Xiao-Hua Zhou and Phillip Dinh
Semi-parametric Single-index Two-Part Regression Models, Xiao-Hua Zhou and Hua Liang